Signed in as:
Signed in as:
107 / 100
445.56 miles
716.91 KM
Date: 1 - 30th November
Location: Anywhere in the world
Start: 1st November 2024
Finish: 30th November 2024
Supporting: The Robin Cancer Trust
November is mens health month and I'm taking part in the RCT Big Ballsy.
My target for the month is to run with 100 different people. We can do that in-person or virtually as I have many running friends across the world and it would be great for you all to join me,
I'm doing this for the awareness around testicular cancer, a cancer I was diagnosed with in 2021. Each run will create awareness - the more runs the more awareness the more men who will think about checking for the signs of cancer.
Read more below about how joining me for a run will have a huge positive impact on the fight against cancer.
Being a part of my 100 people I want to run with in November has an impact so much bigger than you may think. Consider this.
I will post to social media after each run, whether that's together or a virtual run. That post will be seen by hundreds, maybe thousands of people, one of my recent Instagram reels had over 250,000 plays.
Those views mean awareness, and with the awareness comes the thought to check ourselves for the signs of cancer.
So by joining me together we could easily be saving lives.
And if running is not your thing and you'd like to sit back, relax and watch the action then perhaps throw a pound in the JustGiving pot then I will be posting every time I receive a donation....that's more social posts, more views and more awareness.
Read the super simple instructions below on how to join me
In Person run - let's run together
1. Drop me a message using the contact form or any of the usual contact details you have for me.
2. Let me know you'd like to complete the run with me.
3. We get our run done together and you get a place on the EXCLUSIVE 100 AWESOME PEOPLE board. And we'll post the run to social media.
4. And if you are able to throw a pound in the JustGiving pot that would be awesome but it's not mandatory.
1. Drop me a message using the contact form or any of the usual contact details you have for me.
2. Let me know you'd like to complete your run with me
3. Get your run done, and I'll do mine then send me a an awesome photo as you finish and you get a place on the EXCLUSIVE 100 AWESOME PEOPLE board.
4. And if you are able to throw a pound in the JustGiving pot that would be awesome but it's not mandatory.
Did you know about 6 men a day are diagnosed with testicular cancer?
I was 48 when I was told I had cancer, and in the those 48 years I had never thought to check my balls. My cancer had spread resulting in an orchidectomy and chemotherapy.
I am passionate about the awareness of men checking themselves, and that's why I am doing the Big Ballsy 100.
Our run together will have a dramatic impact on the awareness of this cancer. Each run I post on social media will be seen by hundreds maybe thousands of people, and each donation I receive I will also post on social. That means together we can reach so many people and help them to think about checking for the signs of cancer.
By joining me in-person or virtually you are doing something amazing.
Here are some FAQ's for you
How far do I have to run?
Any distance you like, a mile or more, I'm up for it!
Why are you doing this Andy
Because I talk about my balls and cancer all the time, having been diagnosed in 2021 with testicular cancer it is now so important that I keep up the awareness so others know what to look for and what to do. You are helping do that with your run or donation.
Why does my run matter?
I'll be all over social medial with this so every post is a ripple effect, you post, I post, and hundreds, even thousands of people see it. Even if just 1 of those people each time we post thinks to check themselves then that's an amazing use of your run.
Where does the money you raise go?
100% to the Robin Cancer Trust, take a look on the JustGiving page for more details about their amazing work.
Ok, I want to do it, what next?
First you are awesome already for deciding that. Now read the instructions above, contact me and let's make a difference in this world together.
Can I just donate and watch you run whilst sitting on the sofa?
Yes, please do donate, I would love you too, and you don't have to complete a run if it's not your thing. But your donation will motivate me and make a huge difference to so many people.
What does 'Join Virtually' mean?
Well don't think Zoom or Teams meetings, it's not that kind of virtual. A virtual run/walk is when you complete it where you live and I complete one where I am, so we kind of do it together.
Running Westward Ho!